Student Organizations

The Department faculty advise a number of clubs related to the mathematical sciences discipline. 

  • Actuarial Science Club -- Organized by the actuarial science majors, this club brings together students and faculty interested in pursuing careers in actuarial science. The club holds regular events including inviting speakers from the profession.  Interested? Contact Dr. Kevin Shirley (, 323 Walker).
  • Math Association of America (aka the Math Club) -- Open to anyone interested in math and coordinated by math majors, the Math Club hosts regular social, recreational, and disciplinary events.  Interested? Contact Dr. Noah Williams (, 332 Walker).
  • Prospective Teachers of Mathematics --  This organization is devoted to promoting awareness of the mathematics teaching profession. Students interested in teaching mathematics at the elementary, middle and secondary levels meet regularly to learn about the profession from faculty and invited experts.  Interested? Contact Dr. Erica Slate Young (, 231 Walker).

In addition, our department is proud to host the North Carolina Eta Chapter of the Pi Mu Epsilon Mathematics Honor Society.  The Chapter was established in 1976, and inducts students who excel in academics. Contact Dr. Sarah Greenwald (, 326 Walker) for more information.

Our students are also members of many other clubs on campus that have a variety of activities. Please see the list of clubs maintained by the App State Club Council for more information.