Math Tutoring Labs

The math sciences department works in conjunction with the Student Learning Center to run help labs open to any Appalachian State student.

Tutors are available to help FOR FREE!!!

When you come to lab for help, be sure to bring all of the resources needed (book, notes, assignments, etc.) with you.  Please note that the tutors will NOT do your work for you -- they are there to assist you to do your work yourself!  Come with the work you have done so far to show the tutors what you have been able to do, and what you do not yet understand. Also keep in mind that the labs are not set up for private tutoring, so be prepared to work with other students from the same courses.

Summer 2024 Math Tutoring 

There is tutoring available online for summer - please see your instructor for information!

Courses Tutored in Math Lab

  • PRAXIS and GRE test preparation
  • Algebra and Pre-Calculus Classes (MAT 1001, 1005, 1010, 1020, 1025)
  • Business Math (MAT 1035)
  • Calculus Classes (MAT 1110, 1120, 2130)
  • Intro Statistics (STT 1810, 2810, 2820)

Depending on which tutors are working on which day, tutors may also be able to help with more advanced math/stt courses (MAT 2110, 2240, 3310, 3130, 3220; STT 3850, 3851)

Course descriptions are available in Appalachian's Course Catalog.

Everyone in search of math help is welcome. The staff can answer questions, check answers, and provide additional practice problems. 

The Math Labs are staffed by:

  • Peer Tutors: juniors and seniors with demonstrated tutoring abilities
  • Graduate Students: graduate students in mathematical sciences
  • Faculty Volunteers: mathematical sciences faculty who donate their time to help

The Math Lab is coordinated by Libby Clary ( from the Student Learning Center and Genie Griffin from the Department of Mathematical Sciences. If you have comments or questions, please e-mail