Undergraduate Students: Here are links to commonly needed forms:
- Special permission to enroll in a math or stat course that you do not have all the pre-requisites for.
- Drop or add a class after the first week of classes. NOTE: Dropping a class should be done through the web registration portal in AppalNet, unless you are trying to drop after the ninth week or are trying to drop a linked corequisite course (like a science lab without dropping the lecture).
- Approval for Senior Honors Thesis
- Changing your major, minor, certificate, or catalog year.
- Requesting permission to take an independent study Be sure to discuss this with the instructor before submitting the form.
Many forms are available on the College of Arts and Sciences website: https://cas.appstate.edu/advising/student-forms
And the Registrar's website: https://registrar.appstate.edu/students
Graduate Students: Here are links to commonly needed forms:
- MAT 5420: Teaching Apprenticeship Application - This google form should be filled out after you have registered for MAT 5420 and identified an apprentice mentor. See the TA Coordinator for more information on idenfiying a mentor.
- Directed Research/Capstone Project Application - A qualtrix form (request the link from the program director) should be filled out after you identify your research mentor; once the form is approved by your mentor, you will need to complete the special course form linked below.
- Special Course form - This online grad school form is used to request registration for any course not listed in the schedule of classes, such as
- Directed research, capstone project, or thesis hours (MAT 5600, 5920 or 5999)
- Individual study for a course from the bulletin that is not currently offered; contact the program director for more information before completing the form
- Independent study (MAT 5500) on a topic not covered by an existing course; note that a College of Arts and Sciences independent study form must also be completed and sent to the College Office; contact the program director for more information before completing the form
Many other forms for grad students are available on the School of Graduate Studies website: https://graduate.appstate.edu/forms
Have questions? Stop in the Math Sciences Department office on the 3rd Floor of Walker Hall!