Program of Study for the MA in Mathematics
Through completion of this program, students will: deepen their knowledge of mathematics and statistics; exhibit skill and adaptability in communicating ideas from the mathematical sciences to a variety of audiences; develop and apply knowledge of mathematical sciences pedagogy.
Students should monitor their progress in Degreeworks through Appalnet; all electives below require PRE-approval by the program directors.
Course descriptions and additional information can be found in the Graduate Bulletin in effect during the student's term of admission.
Required Core (18 Hours)
- MAT 5230 Linear Algebra (3)
- MAT 5330 Mathematical Modeling (3)
- MAT 5610 Analysis I (3)
- STT 5810 Computational Probability (3)
- STT 5811 Statistical Concepts and Applications I (3)
- One additional content MAT or STT elective (3)
Concentrations (18 Hours - Choose One)
College Teaching
- MAT 5415 Seminar in the Pedagogy of Mathematics (1)
- MAT 5420 Teaching Apprenticeship (1+1) - [more info on apprenticing]
- MAT 5600 Directed Research (3) - [more info on directed research]
- MAT 5620 Analysis II (3)
- Choose one: MAT 5941 Technology for Teaching Math or MAT 5910 Investigations in Teaching Math (3)
- 6 additional hours of elective coursework, which may include 3 hours of thesis
Secondary Teaching
- MAT 5520 Capstone Project in Secondary Education (2) - [more info on the capstone]
- MAT 5525 Product of Learning (1+1) - [more info on the PoL]
- MAT 5910 Investigations in Teaching Math (3)
- CI/SPE 5045 Advanced Topics in Diversity (3)
- CI/LSA 5585 Teacher Leadership and School Improvement (3)
- 5 additional hours of elective coursework, which may include 3 hours of thesis.
Exit Requirements
- Comprehensive examination covering key topics in the four core courses (linear algebra, math modeling, analysis, statistics) to be taken upon completion of the core. [more info on comps]
- Presentation of thesis, capstone project, or directed research [more info on the presentation]
- Portfolio of teaching [more info on the portfolio]
Elective Courses
All elective hours included on your program of study must be numbered 5000 or higher and must be approved by the program directors.
In addition to the courses listed in the curriculum table, the following courses are offered at least once each 2 year period and usually more often. College Teaching students may also choose to complete an Independent Study (MAT 5500), especially to begin their research prior to enrolling in MAT 5600 Directed Research.
Some electives are "dual-listed," meaning that the course will contain undergraduates and graduate students, with graduate students required to fulfill additional depth of content assignments and/or exams. Graduate students are limited to 12 hours of dual-listed courses.
Content Courses
- MAT 5125 History of Mathematics (3)
- MAT 5210 Advanced Topics in Modern Algebra (3) - dual-listed
- MAT 5310 Numerical Analysis with Computer Applications (3)
- MAT 5340 Operations Research (3) - dual-listed
- MAT 5530-5549 Selected Topics (3) - may be dual-listed
- MAT 5590 Advanced Topics in Differential Equations (3) - dual-listed
- MAT 5710 Introduction to Topology (3) - dual-liste
- MAT 5952 Problem Solving (3)
- MAT 5970 Number Theory Concepts (3)
- STT 5812 Statistical Concepts and Applications II (3)
- STT 5820 Design and Analysis of Experiments (3)
Education Courses
- MAT 5980 Special Topics in Mathematics Education (1-3)
When choosing other courses for elective credit, note that the following are designed for elementary or middle grades teachers and so are not approved for a program of study: MAT 5923, 5924, 5925, 5935, 5952, 5961, 5965, 5971, 5972, 5973.
Electives from Outside the Department
Students may, with permission of the program directors, take 3-6 hours of electives other than MAT/STT.
- Partner Disciplines: Students whose research involves a partner discipline may request approval to take courses in that area. Common examples include Biology (BIO), Computer Science (CS), and Physics (PHY), but other areas are possible. Not all of the courses offered in these areas are appropriate, and so these courses MUST be approved for inclusion on your program of study by the program director!
- Education Courses: There are also courses appropriate for math students offered in the Reich College of Education. For secondary teaching students, courses in Curriculum and Instruction (CI) or Instructional Technology (ITC) may be appropriate. For college teaching students, courses in Higher Education (HE) or Instructional Technology (ITC) may be appropriate. Not all of the courses offered in these areas are appropriate, and so these courses MUST be approved for inclusion on your program of study by the program director!