A research project will be chosen, formulated, and executed by the student under the guidance of a faculty member. The project may investigate a mathematical sciences content or pedagogy topic. A final written report and presentation are required. MAT 5600 must be taken for a total credit of three semester hours.
Paperwork: Directed Research/Capstone Project Application - A qualtrix form (request the link from the program director) should be filled out after you identify your research mentor; once the form is approved by your mentor, you will need to complete the Special Course form to request registration from the graduate school.
Goals for the Research Project
The directed research project is designed to be a culminating experience for students in the MA in Mathematics, College Teaching concentration. The topic for the research project should be chosen in consultation with the faculty mentor and can be any topic related to content or pedagogy in the mathematical sciences, but all projects should provide evidence of:
- Depth of knowledge in an area of mathematical sciences content or pedagogy, and
- Utilization of the appropriate research methodologies for the content matter.
Students will produce a written document and present their work to members of the department. The specific format of the document and presentation will vary depending on the subject matter, but all will be reviewed vis-a-vis the expectations listed below. For help with formatting, please see the Mathematical Word Processing webpage.
Electing the thesis Option
Students whose research project is broader or more in-depth may choose to take three hours of thesis credit (MAT 5999) and complete a master's thesis. The thesis project must encompass significant additional work as would merit 6 hours of credit. Seek permission of both the program director and research mentor for this option.
There are specific graduate school requirements for thesis related to deadlines for submission, the composition of the thesis committee, and the format of the final document. For the math department thesis template, see the Mathematical Word Processing webpage.
Written Document Requirements
- The document is well organized.
- The document is professionally typeset, with careful attention to mathematics formatting, citations and references.
- The level of exposition is appropriate for the expected audience of seniors, graduate students, faculty, and/or other professionals.
- The style and grammar do not detract from the readability of the document.
- The author provides some general context/background for the work.
- The author's contribution to the work is clear.
Presentation Requirements
- The presentation is well organized.
- The level and pace of the presentation are appropriate for the expected audience of seniors, graduate students, faculty and/or other professionals.
- The presenter provides some general context/background for the work.
- The presenter's contribution to the work is clear.
- The presenter maintains composure when questioned.
Each student is required to present the results from his or her culminating project. The presentation should be 25-30 minutes, including time for questions.
The date of the presentation must be approved by the program directors and must be scheduled far enough in advance to allow at least one week's notice to the Department faculty and graduate students.
Note also that students presenting thesis research must meet the graduate school deadlines are well, typically 2 weeks prior to the last regular day of classes.