
The Bachelor of Science degrees in mathematics offer flexible curricula adaptable to the professional objectives of the individual student. By combining a strong background in the mathematical sciences with appropriately chosen study in related fields, the degree programs prepare students for their desired careers.

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics

The range of careers available to mathematics majors is very broad. The B.S. program is designed to be flexible to allow you to concentrate on an area particular to your own interests. In addition to a strong mathematics core of courses...

  • Mathematics/Business - students take 20-24 hours of business courses [more]
  • Mathematics/Computation - students take 21-25 hours of computing-intensive courses [more]
  • Mathematics/Life Sciences - students take 21-25 hours of biology and chemistry courses [more]
  • Mathematics/Physical Sciences - students take 18-21 hours of physics, geology, and/or technology courses [more]
  • Mathematics/Secondary Education - students take 24 hours of mathematics education and pedagogy courses in addition to student teaching to be eligible for NC "A" teacher licensure [more]
  • Mathematics/Statistics - students take 21-24 hours of statistics and data science courses [more]
  • Mathematics/General - a concentration for students who wish go more in-depth in mathematics or design a concentration of 21 hours of courses different from those listed above [more]


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