Colloquium Friday, 3/12: Dr. Nicholas Dwork, UC-San Francisco
Mar 9, 2021
Join us on Friday at 3 PM via ZOOM to hear Dr. Nicholas Dwerk from the Larsen Advanced Imaging Lab at UC-San Francisco speak on...Fast Variable Poisso...
Colloquium March 5: Dr. Steve Wang, Swarthmore College
Mar 1, 2021
Join us on Friday at 3 PM via zoom to hear Dr. Steve Wang tell us about... Dating the Demise of the DinosaursAbstract: Why did the dinosaurs...
Colloquium Friday, February 26: Dr. Katherine Kinnaird, Smith College
Feb 22, 2021
Join us on Friday at 3 PM via ZOOM as we re-start our Department Colloquium Series with...Dr. Katherine Kinnaird, Smith College who will share with us...
Four Alumni Receive Actuarial Science Credentials
Jan 30, 2021
Congratulations to the following Actuarial Science alumni who have received additional actuarial credentials over the last 18 months:Tanner Smith (BS ...
Mathematics Education Leadership Training
Nov 6, 2020
MELT HistoryFundingThe Mathematics Education Leadership Training (MELT) Program was established in 1998 through a grant from the Cain Foundation to pr...
Colloquium Friday, November 6: JoAnna Klein, Freelance Science Journalist
Nov 3, 2020
Please join us this Friday to hear JoAnna Klein speak on...Communicating ScienceMs. Klein will discuss tips for effectively communicating science to a...
Colloquium October 23: Dr. Allison McCulloch of UNC-Charlotte
Oct 19, 2020
Please join us on Friday at 3 pm to hear Dr. Allison McCulloch of UNC-Charlotte speak on...Preparing teachers to teach mathematics with technolog...
Colloquium October 16: Ms. Anqi Zou, Group Vice President, Truist Bank
Oct 14, 2020
Join us on Friday, October 16, at 3 PM to hear Anqi Zou speak about her career in banking, and the opportunities for careers in banking.Speaker Bio:&n...
Congratulations to Rene Salinas -- Selected to be the Latinx/Hispanic Mathematician of the day
Sep 30, 2020
Lathisms (Latinxs and Hispanics in the Mathematical Sciences) features a Latinx or Hispanic mathematician each day during Hispanic Heritage Month, whi...
Colloquium October 2: Dr. Trina Palmer
Sep 29, 2020
Join us on zoom Friday at 3 when Dr. Trina Palmer will discuss the activities she undertook while on an off-campus assignment last spring.To avoid zoo...