VEE Courses at Appalachian
The following courses are approved for validation by education experience:
- VEE in Economics – ECON 2030 and ECON 2040
- VEE in Mathematical Statistics – STT 4880 (STT 4530, F2018)
- VEE in Accounting and Finance – ACC 2100 and FIN 3690
An updated listing of VEE approved courses can be found online at
Courses containing material necessary for exam preparation:
- EXAM P/1 – STT 3250 Fundamentals of Probability (3), MAT 3251 (2 hour, Problems in Probability )
- EXAM FM/2 – MAT 3330 Financial Mathematics (4), MAT 3331 (2 hour, Problems in Financial Mathematics)
- EXAM FAM - MAT 3340 Actuarial Models (3), MAT 3345 Short Term Actuarial Models (3)
- EXAM ALTAM - MAT 3340 Actuarial Models (3), MAT 4350 Actuarial Models II (3)
- EXAM IFM - Discontinued
Course of Study
(To see requirements under a previous bulletin in the major view degree requirements.)
The following table shows one sample of how scheduling the required courses for the actuarial science major may look for a student entering in the Fall 2023 semester and later. This schedule does not show the additional courses required by the university. A student should determine their schedule with the help of their academic advisor.
Fall Freshman Year | Spring Freshman Year |
MAT 1110 Calculus I | MAT 1120 Calculus II |
Fall Sophomore Year | Spring Sophomore Year |
MAT 2130 Multivariable Calculus | MAT 2240 Linear Algebra |
Fall Junior Year | Spring Junior Year |
FIN 3100 Principals of Risk Manag and Ins | FIN 3690 Financial Management |
Fall Senior Year | Spring Senior Year |
MAT 3340 Actuarial Models (F) | MAT 4330 Sen Sem in Act Science (S) |
- MAT 4350 Actuarial Models II - is a continuation of MAT 3340, counts as a major elective. MAT 3340, MAT 4350 provides background for Advanced Long Term Actuarial Mathematics (ALTAM).
- [*MAT 3331 - Problems in Financial Mathematics (2)] problem solving course in financial mathematics, for actuarial Exam FM preparation.
- [*MAT 3251 - Problems in Financial Mathematics (2)] problem solving course in probability, for actuarial Exam P preparation.
Major Electives: Choose at least 3 hours from.
- MAT 2110 - Techniques of Proof (4)
- Law 2150 – Legal Environment of Business(3)
- MAT 3130 - Introduction to Differential Equations (3)
- MAT 3251 - Problems in Probability (2)
- MAT 3310 - Discrete and Continuous Mathematical Models (3)
- MAT 3331 - Problems in Financial Mathematics (2)
- MAT 3350 - Introduction to Mathematical Biology (3)
- MAT 3220 - Introduction to Real Analysis I (3) [WID]
- MAT 4340 - Introduction to Operations Research (3)
- MAT 4350 - Actuarial Models II (3)
- CS 1440 - Computer Science I (4)
- STT 4840 - Regression and Time Series Forecasting (3)