Every student pursuing the College Teaching concentration must complete a minimum of two apprenticeships. Secondary teaching concentrators may, with permission, take apprenticeship as an elective.
Apprenticeship Goals
Students apprentice to gain experience in a variety of college-level courses and see how different faculty approach teaching. The main goals for the overall apprenticeship experience are:
- Participate in a variety of courses in a meaningful way, gaining experience with the level of the material covered.
- Observe a variety of teaching styles.
Paperwork: MAT 5420: Teaching Apprenticeship Application - This google form should be filled out after you have registered for MAT 5420 and identified an apprentice mentor. See the TA Coordinator for more information on idenfiying a mentor.
General Guidelines
- Students should apprentice in different courses each time, preferably with different faculty if possible.
- We strongly encourage students to apprentice in a range of courses. Possible courses include those listed below. Other courses are possible BUT please confirm deviating from this list.
- Developmental Math
- Statistics
- Precalculus, Calculus, Business Calculus
- Math for Elementary Education
- Linear Algebra
- Differential Equations
- Duties for your apprenticeship can vary widely, and a few suggestions are given below - other ways of interacting are also possible. The specific plan should be discussed as early as possible, but no later than the first week of the semester.
- Observe all class meetings, writing a journal that discusses how topics are introduced.
- Observe the class for a particular topic and work with the instructor to design the assessments to be used, including working on developing the grading rubric.
- Prepare a topic in consultation with the instructor and then present the topic.
- If there is a lab or in-class work period associated with the course, attend those, help with questions, and keep a log of common mistakes made by students.