
We are part of the College of Arts and Sciences at Appalachian State University. Our faculty's expertise spans the disciplines of actuarial science, pure and applied mathematics, mathematics education, and statistics. We offer bachelor's degrees in Actuarial Science and Mathematics, as well a master's degree in Mathematics to over 200 undergraduate and graduate students. Please browse the website to learn more about us!

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Mathematical Sciences News

CAS Corps Feature: Morgan Tringali

CAS Corps member Morgan Tringali is a junior general mathematics major from Mint Hill....

Fall 2024 Cratis D. Williams Society inductees include four CAS graduates

BOONE, N.C. — In the Spring and Fall, Appalachian State University's Cratis D. Williams School of Graduate Studies seeks nominations for t...

Congratulations to Dr. Phillip Johnson!

Dr. Phillip Johnson, Professor Emeritus of Mathematical Sciences and former director of the Math and Science Education Center was inducted into the Re...

Congratulations to Carmen Cerrito!

Carmen has been chosen as a finalist for Student Teacher of the Year. Carmen is graduating this semester and will be continuing on the math master's p...

Congratulations to Jocelyn Pelcastre-Gonzalez!

Jocelyn Pelcastre-Gonzalez received the Bobby L. Dunnigan Outstanding Service Award for her exemplary work as an employee of the Plemmons Student...