Department Colloquium August 23: Katie Mawhinney and Travis Weiland

Join us on Friday, August 23, at 3 PM in 103A to hear

Travis Weiland Assistant Professor and Katie Mawhinney Professor, Assistant Chair, Appalachian State University, Department of Mathematical Sciences


North Carolina High School Mathematics Standards: Policy Updates and Initiatives to Support

Abstract: In this talk, we will discuss the new North Carolina state mathematics standards for the fourth high school mathematics courses and what that will mean in terms of the mathematical backgrounds students will be bringing into college mathematics courses. We will also discuss current initiatives to support mathematics teachers in teaching the new standards across the state and implications the standards have for pre-service teacher education.

Sponsored by the Department of Mathematical Sciences. Please contact Quinn Morris or Travis Weiland or visit our department colloquium website to view more information and see other upcoming events.

Published: Aug 20, 2019 10:14am
