Colloquium Friday, October 25: Dr. Christian Wypasek. Wypasek Data Science

Please join us at 3 PM on Friday, October 25, in 103A Walker Hall to hear Dr. Christian Wypasek present on...

Going from Modeling to Meta-Modeling
Going from a student of data science to a professional

Learning about the latest techniques in data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence is essential for both students and the continuing education of seasoned practitioners. However, an individual’s growth from being a student or recent graduate to a professional in many ways can reflect one’s meta-model (the model of building models). From over twenty years in the consumer finance and asset backed modeling, the speaker brings experience, not only about large data sets, but effective modeling processes. For students, discussion will include some of the skills and best practices (the craft) of the data sciences that aid them in their career. For educators, the intent is to spark new conversation on skills and process concepts for the preparation of young professionals.

Published: Oct 24, 2019 3:45pm
