Colloquium Friday, November 15: Mr. Fred Coon, UNCC

Please join us on Friday, at 3 PM in 103A Walker Hall to hear Fred Coon present on...

Understanding the Probability Literacy of High School Students

This multi-case study examined high school students’ probability literacy, with focus on randomness, independence, and sample space. Task-based interviews were used with ten high school students. A Levels of Understanding Matrix (LUM), that was created based on pilot data using known literature, was deployed to gauge the students’ understanding of randomness, independence and sample space. All data was processed through the LUM to create a consistent analysis while also providing a means to group the students into groups: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. The study indicates that developing and using the sample space plays a key role in students? understanding and should be a focus of teaching.

Published: Nov 14, 2019 11:46am
