Colloquium Friday, February 4: Matt Menickelly, Argonne National Lab

Join us this Friday at 3 PM via zoom to hear Dr. Matt Menickelly speak on...

TitleNear-Term Quantum Computing: Why We Still Need Classical Mathematicians

AbstractBy training, I am a "classical" mathematician, and my doctoral dissertation was in an area called stochastic optimization. As a mathematician at a Department of Energy national lab, I learn new things every day, and I frequently encounter problems in many scientific disciplines that I often know virtually nothing about when I begin a new project. In this talk, I will highlight an example of this by shedding light on a very recent project of mine. In particular, I will discuss how my doctoral studies in stochastic optimization relate beautifully to a problem in the development of modern quantum computers as an example of how abstract mathematics becomes applied engineering.

Contact one of the colloquium coordinators (Kristen Rowland, rowlandke; Nadun Dissanayake, nadunkul) for zoom link information.


Published: Jan 31, 2022 10:38am
