Colloquium Friday, April 30: Dr. Lori Watson, Wake Forest University

Join us on Friday via ZOOM to hear  Dr. Lori Watson speak on:

Hasse Principle Violations in Families of Curves

Abstract: For a curve defined over the rational numbers, it is in general very difficult to determine the set of rational points on the curve. Even determining whether any rational points exist is difficult. However, proving the existence of rational points becomes considerably easier when the Hasse Principle is known to hold for a curve. In this talk, we will explain what the Hasse Principle is and why it is useful. We will also consider Hasse Principle violations in families of hyperelliptic curves and, conditional on the ABC conjecture, give a simple criterion for determining when Hasse Principle violations can occur in such families. This talk is based on joint work with Pete L. Clark.

If you wish to join via ZOOM please contact one of the colloquium coordinators (Quinn Morris, morrisqa, or Kristen Roland, rolandke).

Published: Apr 26, 2021 9:57am
