GSP4+ ,Some supplementary information in this document was created by a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be read. The document will open as a copy.Some supplementary information in this document was created by a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be read. The document will open as a copy.oSome supplementary information in this document was created by a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be read.QThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.$ VS LContents Page` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s _ ,#GSP5_m_1066K/Jul 12 20120#HTimes New RomanTimesArial$''''''$'$'$'$'f$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' $' ```$' @@@$'%'&''''8'8'8'9':'$<'Times.<'@Times New Roman$<'$TimesNew $<' ArialNew $<' ArialNew &<'Genevaew Ro!2 88&[%>&[!2 `n@e> !2    W nQ\aAScroll!Q\TT A> / !Q\   OHnQ\aA.Boolean Points: Constructions and ApplicationsQOS> !Q\   OH4nQ\aABoolean Function ExistancenOHg !Q\   Oq*nQ\aAInside or OutsideOq !Q\   O.nQ\aAGeometric ComparisonsO_ !Q\   O(nQ\aABeyond GeometryOQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.$ V 0LBoolean Points: Constructions and Applicationsn` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s _ ,#GSP5_m_1066K/Jul 12 2012i0#HTimes New RomanTimesArial$''''''$'$'$'$'f$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' $' ```$' @@@$'%'&''''8'8'8'9':'$<'Times.<'@Times New Roman$<'$TimesNew $<' ArialNew $<' ArialNew &<'Genevaew Ro!2 LL`8>`!2 `n@e> !2    W nQ\aAScrolln !Q\   b:nQ\aA!Single Boolean Point Constructionb !Q\   b4nQ\aAMultiple Co-located Pointsub !Q\   b!*nQ\aARegular Polygonseb!,@ !Q\    bJ0nQ\aASegment CharacteristicsbJti !Q\    bs$nQ\aA Unit Circlebs !Q\   =u*nQ\aATable of Contents=uQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.$ VLBoolean Function Existance` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s _ ,#GSP5_m_1066K/Jul 12 2012e0#HTimes New RomanTimesArial$''''''$'$'$'$'f$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' $' ```$' @@@$'%'&''''8'8'8'9':'$<'Times.<'@Times New Roman$<'$TimesNew $<' ArialNew $<' ArialNew &<'Genevaew Ro!2 883]$>3]!2 `n@e> !2    W nQ\aAScroll !Q\    {6nQ\aABoolean Function Existance It{ !Q\    {6nQ\aABoolean Function Existance II{ !Q\    {!8nQ\aABoolean Function Existance IIIo{!@ !Q\   @*nQ\aATable of Contents@ !Q\   {K6nQ\aABoolean Function Existance IV{KjQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.$ VLGeometric Comparisons` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s _ ,#GSP5_m_1066K/Jul 12 20120#HTimes New RomanTimesArial$''''''$'$'$'$'f$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' $' ```$' @@@$'%'&''''8'8'8'9':'$<'Times.<'@Times New Roman$<'$TimesNew $<' ArialNew $<' ArialNew &<'Genevaew Ro!2 42Q]>ceQ]!2 `n@e> !2    W nQ\aAScroll !Q\   2nQ\aATriangle Characteristicse< !Q\   6nQ\aAQuadrilateral Types Activity !Q\   (nQ\aASegment Lengthse !Q\   &nQ\aA Venn DiagramhA !Q\   ,nQ\aATriangle Tick Marksx !Q\   2nQ\aAQuadrilateral Tick Marksi !Q\   GBnQ\aA(Triangle Characteristics by Side LengthstGWf !Q\   q4nQ\aAQuadrilateral Types Exampleq !Q\   &nQ\aA Discrete Venn> !Q\   8nQ\aASimilar or Congruent Trianglese8 !Q\   C2nQ\aAQuadrilateral CongruencenCb !Q\   m,nQ\aACreating a Trianglemt !Q\   <*nQ\aATable of Contents< !Q\   ,nQ\aACircle and TriangleqQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.$ V LInside or Outside` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s _ ,#GSP5_m_1066K/Jul 12 20120#HTimes New RomanTimesArial$''''''$'$'$'$'f$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' $' ```$' @@@$'%'&''''8'8'8'9':'$<'Times.<'@Times New Roman$<'$TimesNew $<' ArialNew $<' ArialNew &<'Genevaew Ro!2 0.]>]!2 `n@e> !2    W nQ\aAScroll !Q\   .nQ\aAInside Outside Ratios  !Q\   (nQ\aAInside OutsideR< !Q\    D6nQ\aAInside Outside QuadrilateralsDc !Q\   6nQ\aAInside Outside Ratio Activity8 !Q\   4*nQ\aATable of Contents4 !Q\   r>nQ\aA$Inside Outside Quadrilateral Exampletr1QThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.$ VLBeyond Geometry` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s _ ,#GSP5_m_1066K/Jul 12 20120#HTimes New RomanTimesArial$''''''$'$'$'$'f$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' $' ```$' @@@$'%'&''''8'8'8'9':'$<'Times.<'@Times New Roman$<'$TimesNew $<' ArialNew $<' ArialNew &<'Genevaew Ro!2 ,,_>>_!2 `n@e> !2    W nQ\aAScroll !Q\   !$nQ\aA Prime Test! !Q\   ",nQ\aAFraction Comparison !Q\   *@"nQ\aA Wild Card@_ !Q\   # &nQ\aA Logic Puzzlea 8( !Q\   $5.nQ\aAGraphing Inequalities5T !Q\   %a0nQ\aAExtending Eratosthenesta !Q\   &&nQ\aA Number DialstA !Q\   '&nQ\aA Riemann SumstT !Q\   y*nQ\aATable of Contentsy !Q\   )nQ\aADarts !Q\   (,nQ\aAFlight of Bumblebee1QThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.$LSingle Point Construction` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s _ ,#GSP5_m_1066K/Jul 12 20120#HTimes New RomanArial$$''''''$'$'$'$'f$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' $' ```$' @@@$'%'&''''8'8'8'9':'.<'@$Times New Roman.<'@$Times New Roman$<' ArialNew $<' ArialNew $<' ArialNew $<' ArialNew !2 @m@!2 D@`w@" ?   !?7-gA?   -! B"  -! C   ! ?E#  > !     Gk2nQ\aAMake Boolean Point Existr> !Q\     G6nQ\aAMake Boolean Point Not ExistE> !Q\    7 nQ\aAStep 1o> !Q\      P nQ\aAStep 2o> !Q\      i nQ\aAStep 3o> !Q\      nQ\aAStep 4o> !Q\      &nQ\aA Show ObjectsP!Q\<<)# -!Q\  & Boolean Point!>>>><0>>>>>>!;1> !    nQ\aAScroll  !Q\   '*nQ\aATable of Contents'< !Q\   RnQ\aA8Return to Boolean Points: Constructions and Applications$QThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.$KLMultiple Co-located Points` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s _ ,#GSP5_m_1066K/Jul 12 2012s0#HTimes New RomanArial$$''''''$'$'$'$'f$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' $' ```$' @@@$'%'&''''8'8'8'9':'.<'@$Times New Roman.<'@$Times New Roman$<' ArialNew $<' ArialNew $<' ArialNew $<' ArialNew !2 O`r@p@!Ppr@P{@ !`q@N@!v@N@"  !?A" ! $LXz?N@B!  $LXz?N@C!  $LXz?N@D!  $LXz?N@E!  $LXz?N@F" "  "  "  "  "  -!  -! -!  -!  -!  -! -!  -! -!  -! -! -! O C#O C#O C#O C#O C#O C# ![vLXz?G@ " &> ! &    ["nQ\aANo Point> !Q\ &     t nQ\aAPoint 1> !Q\ &     nQ\aAPoint 2> !Q\ &     nQ\aAPoint 3> !Q\ &     nQ\aAPoint 4> !Q\ &     nQ\aAPoint 5 -!Q\ '  -!Q\ '! -!Q\ '" -!Q\ '# -!Q\ '$ -!Q\ '% !Q\OV`F?.H?  4 -! 5I" 46> !467    &nQ\aA Show Objectsp> !Q\    $&nQ\aA Show Point Op !Q\'  ? !Q\'  ?A?@ "Q\ /; -!Q\ <7 Point 1@ " 0; -! >7 Point 2@ " 1; -! @7 Point 3@ " 2; -! B7 Point 4@ " 3; -! D7 Point 5!88$>i!,,+>><0>>>>><0>>>